Monday, 13 January 2014

Stop Snoring Tongue Device - Does It Stops You From Snoring

Are you a "tongue base snorer"? Does your tongue fall to the back of your throat? The improper position of the tongue can cause an obstruction to the airway. It is one of the most common causes of snoring.

Here is a simple test to check if your tongue is causing you to snore. Determine if you can snore with your mouth both open and closed. If you can, then stick your tongue out as far as you can. Hold it between your teeth. This is a position of your tongue being pulled forward. Then try to snore. If you find the noise level is low, most likely you are a tongue base snorer.

The best remedy is to use stop snoring tongue device. Good Morning Snore Solution is a tongue stabilizing device (TSD). It is one of three non-prescription TSD’s that are currently available. Made of a medical grade silicone, it stops you from snoring even though it is not caused by your tongue. For example, it could be your uvula, jaw or sleep apnea. Basically it pulls your tongue gently forward. This ensures that the airway is open, allowing you to breathe comfortably. In the end, you will enjoy a quieter, more comfortable sleep.

Good Morning Snore Solution does not look like a tongue retaining mouthpiece.  This mouthpiece ensures the tip of the tongue is in place with a light suction as the rest of the tongue gently rests on the outside of the lips. When it is inside your mouth, it will stay. It looks like a baby’s pacifier when you put it on.

Don't worry if you have dentures as you do not wear Good Morning Snore Solution in between the teeth. You should not be able to find this feature in other tongue retaining mouthpieces.

The stop snoring tongue device is backed by a clinical study which shows it effectiveness in reducing snoring and sleep apnea. Good Morning Snore Solution can give you the sleep that you deserved every night. That is why many users consider it to be the best snoring mouthpiece for tongue.

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